Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Social Skills Playhouse Announces New Expanded Fall Schedule...

Due to popular demand, SSP has added two new classes taught by Lead Social Coach Ms Kelly at our CyFair location.  Robin Rettie of Lighthouse Learning and Resource has been kind enough to allow us expanded use of her facility so we are now able to offer this new 6 week class.

Classes begin on Wednesday, October 12th and run through Wednesday November 16th.

                       Wednesday 4:15-5:15 pm (Younger mixed group)
                       Wednesday 5:30-6:30 pm (Older boys group)

These classes are already filling up quickly, so please contact us at if you are interested in enrolling your child.

Cy Fair - Kelly Martinez, Lead Social Coach- Lighthouse Learning and Resource
10928 Grant Rd. Houston, TX 77070

P.roblem solving, E.xecutive functioning, O.bservation skills
P.erspective taking, L.inguistic management, E.motion regulation

$210 for our 3 day December Holiday Camp
$500 for each 8 week Winter and Spring 2012 Semesters
Need based scholarships may be available